View across the road |
A few days after Halloween and we are still enjoying the stunning weather we have had this Autumn. Sadly a cold and wet summer meant the garden suffered in terms of peas and beans, and I had one small bunch of sweetpeas to cut for indoors. However, the dry conditions over the last month have meant that the autumn tree colours are stunning.
Not really sure what to blog about nowadays, I have to admit it is easier these days just to Instagram (@ali4horses!) I think I'll go easy on myself and start gently. Family life has changed as we now only have one of our children at home, still at school, with the other two away at University now. And sadly last week we said goodbye to our darling old labrador Rosie, who at 13 years old had grown up with our children and seen all the work we have done at the cottage.
Traditionally this time of year is a time to give thanks for the harvest and to store and prepare for the dark winter nights ahead, for me this year it feels as if I may need to do that for myself too. Life is changing (in good ways) but with transition also comes a sense of loss and also that feeling of what is next.
But as I said I need to take things easy. Perhaps this blog will evolve, take on new ideas and challenges and take me along with it. I have no end of ideas for things and projects to do, just not the energy or motivation right now!
There is a loaf of bread baking in my bread machine as I type, and the shelves of my larder are stacked with jars of jams, chutneys and jellies all made from the wonderful produce we did grow this year. There is a great deal of comfort in knowing that these small things go on however life changes and for that and for a great many other things, I count my blessing and give thanks.