Alliums, the cheerleaders in my border! |
Summer solstice tonight, that means the days will start getting shorter as from tomorrow. Hmmm, wondering if we actually will catch up in the garden ever!
The big success we've had this year is our perinneal borders, finally things have established and right now the garden is a big, blowsy, colourful show. These long evenings are perfect for pottering outside.
Euphorbia |
my potager with ransomes, lemon balm, chives, thyme |
Last of the purple sprouting broccoli (Spooky helping himself) |
Today it is raining, we need the rain as it has been a very dry June (after a very cold May) which has made things bloom later but now we need some moisture to get everything growing. The big bonus about things being later is getting to have bluebells still blooming in the garden, I love them.
bluebells under my kitchen window
Here's hoping we get some fair weather in July to extend whats left of what seems to be a very short summer so far.